Terms & Conditions
1. Enrolment
Entry to My Theatre Academy (MTA) is open to all, regardless of ability. MTA believes that all its members should be allowed the opportunity to work and develop in an atmosphere of friendship and encouragement. All students are therefore expected to contribute to the well being of the group and its projects by co-operative and considerate behaviour at all times.
MTA cannot accept behaviour which is, in our opinion, detrimental to the group, the children or the staff. In the interests of our students, MTA reserves the right to terminate a student's membership of the group should this requirement be breached.
All students will be under the care of MTA staff for the duration of sessions. MTA undertakes to provide a safe environment for children and staff at all times and, under the following general rules:
Keep up-to-date registers of attendance;
Maintain appropriate supervision ratios;
Ask that you keep us informed of contact details, emergency contact numbers and any changes to these, so that we may maintain up-to-date records;
Ask that you keep us informed of specific medical conditions, such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy so that we can maintain up-to-date records;
Ensure that a first-aid kit is available at the venue;
Ensure that those people working with the children as part of MTA have been subject to appropriate selection processes;
Ensure that MTA staff have current DBS Certification;
MTA staff will not allow children to leave the premises during or after sessions unless they are collected by a parent, guardian or another designated adult;
Carry out appropriate Health and Safety risk assessments, and specify reasonable controls to reduce the risk of activities.
Smoking or the bringing or consumption of alcohol or the use or being under the influence of illegal substances is not permitted.
2. Fees
My Theatre Academy (MTA) at Eastbourne College runs during term-time. Fees, calculated on a termly basis are £175 per term, based on 10 week term. Fees are due 4 weeks prior to start date and are non-refundable. Deposit £50 per student payable on registration - deducted from first term’s fees.
3. Academy Times
Saturday mornings:
Session 1: 09:00am - 10:30am
4. Cancellation
A full term's notice is required in writing to My Theatre Academy, 1 Warren Close, Friston, East Sussex BN20 0EN or emailed to admin@mytheatreacademy.com - otherwise a full term's fees will be charged.
5. Additional tuition & activities
Any extra-curricular activities such as individual or private drama lessons, individual or private music lessons or trips and visits that you wish your child to participate in shall be deemed to be supplemental to items met by the fees and will be charged for accordingly unless otherwise stated in writing by My Theatre Ltd. In particular, all external examination charges and any additional charges incurred whilst preparing your child, on an individual basis, for examinations shall be charged as supplemental to the fees.
6. Photography
Photographs taken of students during MTA activities or as prize winners may be used for publicity purposes on our website or in printed media without further reference to parents/guardians. Parents/guardians who not wish their child’s photograph to be used in this way should confirm this to MTA prior to registration.
Complaints or other concerns should be communicated in the first instance to info@mytheatreacademy.com and we will do our best to resolve the matter.
7. Property
MTA does not take responsibility for any money or any articles of value lost by the student at their session, rehearsal or performance venues.
8. Data Protection
A database record is held on each student, as recommended by East Sussex County Council. Details include a photograph, proof of age, address, school and other information pertinent to MTA. Parents/guardians can see information held on their child at any time and such information will be destroyed one year after a student leaves MTA.
9. Law and Jurisdiction
This agreement is governed by the Law and Jurisdiction of England and Wales.
My Theatre Academy reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of the group at any time and will communicate these changes to Parents/guardians at the address or email provided at registration.
© My Theatre Limited 2020